Alphabet nail art challenge - Letter J -jungle nails (NOTD)

Today we have another letter chalange : J -jungle nails


Produse folosite:
-Base coat / lac de baza
-Flormar no
-acrilic colors / culori acrilice
-brush / pensula
-Top coat

Pasii urmati:
1.Aplicam lacul de baza

1.Apply the base coat
2.Aplicam pe unghiute doua straturi de oja negra
2.Apply two coats of black nail polish
3.Desenam animalutele cu acrilice
3.Using acrilic colors  draw the animals
4.Top coat si gata!
4.Top coat and done!

See here another letter J mani:
Aici puteti vedea si alte mani  cu litera J: