Golden Rose velvet matte lipstick swatch

Pana acum 2-3 ani se intampla foarte rar sa ies din casa cu ruj pe buze, acum greu ma pot abtine sa nu le dau un pic de culoare. Si am o multime de nuante si tipuri de ruj: mate, sidefate, hidratante, iar imaginatia e singura limita atunci cand am de ales unul.
 Astazi vreau sa va arat trei dintre rujurile mele preferate, acestea fac parte din colectia Golde Rose matte velvet si indeplinesc cateva criterii esentiale: sunt ieftine, pigmentate, nu usuca buzele si nu contin parabeni.
Incepem cu Velvet matte nr 29. In acest moment pe el este favoritul meu. O nuanta inchisa de visiniu, perfecta pentru toamna.
Until 2-3 years ago I would rarely leave the house wearing lipstick ... but now I can hardly help but give a little color to my lips. And I have a lot of colors and types of lipstick: matte, pearled, moisturizing, and imagination is the only limit when I have to chose one.  
Today I want to show you three of my favorite lipsticks, they are part of the Golden Rose velvet matte collection  and meet several essential criteria: are cheap, pigmented, non drying and the formula has no parabens.
We begin with Velvet Matte No 29. In this moment he is my favorite. A darker shade of burgundy, perfect for fall.
Golden Rose Velvet Matte 29
Golden Rose Velvet Matte 29

 Urmatorul dupa gradul de uzura este velvet matte 20. Acesta are o nuanta bordeaux (rosu inchis)
Next one is velvet matte 20. It has a darker shade of red (bordeaux)
Golden Rose Velvet Matte 29
Golden Rose Velvet Matte 20
 Si velvet matte 22, un ruj maroniu-rosiatic.
And velvet matte 22, which a red-ish brown shade.
Golden Rose Velvet Matte 22
Golden Rose Velvet Matte 22
Mai nou in colectia mea de rujuri Golden Rose a intrat si creionul jumbo. Golden Rose matte lipstick crayon 02 in nuanta marsala (visiniu).

Here is my first jumbo matte lipstickno 02, and the shade is burgundy.
Golden Rose matte lipstick crayon 02
Golden Rose matte lipstick crayon 02

Golden Rose velvet matte
 Imi plac excesiv rujurile astea si zau ca nu le-as da pe nimic. Eu le aplic cu pensula pentru un aspect uniform iar ele rezista 4-5 ore in conditii normale.  Un mare plus este ca se gasesc intr-o varietate mare de culori asa ca, avem de unde alege.

 I adore them! The staying power is 4-5 hours and after this time they start to fade away slowly. They can be found in a variety of shades so you can choose the right one for your taste.
Ati incercat si voi rujurile Golden Rose? Ce impresie v-au lasat?
Have you tried them? Kisses!
Va pupa Taitzel!!!