Today nails: little owl
Produse folosite:
-Base coat / lac de baza
-Flormar 313
-MUA fashionista Mystical Dragon
-Acrilic paint
-Top coat
-Matte top coat
Pasii urmati:
1.Aplicam lacul de baza
1.Apply the base coat
2.Pe inelar
aplicam un strat de oja neagra si un top matt peste care desenam bufnita
the ring finger apply one coat of black nail polish and a
matte top, over the top draw the owl using acrylic paint
3.Pe restul unghiutelor aplicam doua straturi de oja neagra si un strat de oja cu glitter verde
3.On the rest of the nails apply two coats of black nail polish and a coat of green glittery polish
4.Top coat si gata!
4.Top coat and done!