Nail art Marathon - Movie nails - Manichiura cu Star Wars

A sosit momentul ca tema mea sa fie interpretata in cadrul TPA : movie nails si abia astept sa vad ce manichiuri o sa realizeze fetele mele dragi!!! Pentru astazi eu am facut un model de unghii inspirat dintr-un film legenda: Star Wars (razboiul stelelor) asta pentru ca in decembrie va fi lansat Episode VII - The Force Awakens si ma simteam nevoita sa aduc un tribut :D. Am folosit ca baza pentru manichiura tratamentul Eveline 8 in 1, apoi am aplicat doua straturi de oja alba Flormar Full Colors si pe unghia mijlocie am aplicat doua straturi de oja neagra Flormar true color. Dupa ce baza s-a uscat am aplicat pe toate unghiile un top coat mat si am desenat modelul cu o pensula de nail art si culori acrilice. Si tada : modelul de unghii Star Wars cu Dark Vader si Death Star sunt gata!

For today I made a nail art design inspired by a movie legend: Star Wars (Star Wars) because in December will be released Episode VII - The Force awakens and I felt compelled to pay a tribute: D. I used as the base coat Eveline 8 in 1 nail treatment, after I applied two coats of Flormar Full Colors white nail polish and on the middle finger I applied two coats of black nail polish. After the base has dried I applied a  matte top coat and I drew the caracter using a fine nail art brush and acrylics. And tada: the Star Wars nails with Darth Vader and the Death Star are ready!
Star Wars Episode VII - The Force Awakens nail art manichiura pictata

Star Wars Episode VII - The Force Awakens nail art manichiura pictata

Star Wars Episode VII - The Force Awakens nail art manichiura pictata

Star Wars Episode VII - The Force Awakens nail art manichiura pictata
Nu uitati sa vizitati si fetele aici:
  1. Teo -
  2. Oana -
  3. Madalina -
  4. Vanyna -
  5. Alina -
  6. Mădălina -
  7. Mihaela -
  8. Kinga -
  9. Iulia Maria -
  10. Andra Kat -
  11. Sophie -
*puteti gasii mai multe modele unghii pictate in meniul de sus la nail art
*modele de unghii naturale