Astazi mi-am facut o manichiura foarte colorata. Am mazgalit frumos cu rosu acrilic florile, cu verde am desenat frunze si ca sa fie si mai impopotonata, am adaugat buline. Mie imi place mult ce a iesit insa, parerile sunt impartite. Am primit si critici si laude, asa ca va las si pe voi sa imi spuneti daca rezultatul e cat de cat purtabil sau nu.
Pentru acest model am folosit ca baza oja Flormar Matte 01, culori acrilice si top coat-ul mat de la Golden Rose.
Today I created a very colorful manicure. I scrawled a flower using acrylic paint, then green leaves, and to make them even more perk, I've added dots. I love my mani, but opinions are divided. I received both criticism and compliments, so I will leave you to tell me if the result is somewhat wearable or not.
For this design I used as base Flormar Matte 01 nail polish, acrylic colors and Golden Rose matte top coat.
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