Am reusit sa pun mana pe cateva mostre din diferite game de rujuri Avon si m-am gandit sa le testez si sa vi le prezint. Stim foarte bine ca exista o diferenta intre culoarea din revista si cea reala, asa ca, este esential sa vedeti si un swatch ca sa stiti exact ce cumparati. Astazi este randul rujurilor din gama Ultra Color Matte sa fie testate.
I managed to get my hands on a few samples from different ranges of Avon lipsticks and I thought to test and introduce them to you. Because we know very well that there is a difference between the real color and the magazine one, it is esential to see them swatched. Today is the turn Ultra Color Matte lipsticks range to be tested.
Acestea sunt foarte hidratante, au o textura cremoasa si nu usuca buzele. Se presupune ca ar fi mate dar nu e asa, sunt mai putin lucioase decat restul rujurilor, atat. Gradul de rezistenta este mediu, 3-4 ore pe buzele mele, apoi este necesar sa il reaplic.
They are very moisturizing, have a creamy texture and they don't tend to dry out the lips. It is supposed that they are mate but ..they aren't , the colour is less glossy than other lipsticks , but that's it. The stayng power is 3-4 hours, on my lips, then I need to reapply.
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