La multi ani 2016! Prima postare din anul asta nu putea fi alta decat o manichiura :D. Dupa atatea oje sclipicioase folosite pentru Revelion am ales ca manichiura de astazi sa fie una mai potolita, in doua culori simple. Am inceput pregatirea unghiilor cu baza Eveline 8 in 1 apoi am aplicat in doua straturi oja mea nude favorita, Flormar CC in nuanta Tan Beige 006, si oja neagra Flormar Black Minimalism nr 313. Dupa ce s-au uscat ojele am facut si un model super simplu, pe inelar am conturat un trandafir si pe restul unghiilor am desenat puncte de diferite dimensiuni. La final, pentru rezistenta si uscare super rapida, am aplicat un strat de Sally Hansen Insta-dri.
Este un model de unghii clasic, usor de realizat si usor de asortat.
Happy New Year 2016! The first post of the year it's, of course, a manicure :D. After so many glitter nail polishes used for New Years Eve manicure today I have chosen to have a simpler nail art design, in two simple colors. I've started preparing the nail using Eveline 8 in 1 base coat then I applied two coats of nude nail polish, my favorite Flormar CC in Beige Tan, and black nail polish (Flormar Black Minimalism No. 313). After the base was dry I made a super simple design, I shaped a rose on one nail and on the rest I made different size black dots. Finally, for strength and super fast drying, I applied a layer of Sally Hansen Insta-dri.
It is a classic nail design, easy to create and easy to wear.
It is a classic nail design, easy to create and easy to wear.